Create your own
Visual site builder
using React

The first CMS for React with true Visual editing.
Make content editing fun!

Content editing is easy and fun

For content creators

Edit your website content in a visual way. Developers use the stuff they like (React) to create your design.

Request a demo

For developers

Create your own visual site builder like Wix using React components and make your users happy.

Learn how it works
Next.js and Gatsby
React Bricks works with Next.js, Gatsby or plain React. You can switch framework in minutes.
Image optimization
Automatic creation of responsive images, lazy loading and serving from global CDN.
Host where you like
The website and the editing dashboard are a static website you can host anywhere.

Who is using it?

Capbase website made with React Bricks
"ReactBricks has allowed us to build a website that works with our React app quickly, cleanly, and smoothly. It lets us create WYSISYG components that our marketing team can build with, allowing them to create an easy to manage and beautiful website that drives business goals and is easy to maintain."
Stefan Nagey
Stefan Nagey
Founder @ CapBase, Inc.
Over 1300 users are using React Bricks.

What they say about it

Okay @ReactBricks is the first visual website builder to make me reconsider markdown
6:06 PM · 9 Feb, 2021
Read the great blog post by Swizec Teller about React Bricks!
I think stuff like this is the future! Please DM me if you find ways that Gatsby can support you better.
11:45 PM · 11 Mar, 2020
I've wanted to see something like this for a long time; will check it out.
10:57 PM · 23 Mar, 2021

How the Magic works ✨

This is the code of an example brick, a content block for React Bricks.

It is just a React component with a schema property, using React Bricks components for visual editing.

Test it in 5 minutes

Using our powerful CLI you can set up a project in minutes, so that you can start in no time creating your content bricks.


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Launch the CLI

npx create-reactbricks-app