
Visual editor

An inline visual editor you user will love

Content creators need tosee their ideas take shape as they write. With React Bricks they are happy, again.

Visual editing of text and images, simple property tweak via sidebar controls.

Learn more about visual editing

React components

Know React? You know React Bricks.

Leverage your React skills to create content bricks that the Editors will use to create content.

You can use React Bricks visual editing components (Text, RichText, Image, Repeater) and choose what the user will be able to change via the sidebar controls.

Learn how it works with React

Powerful CLI

Create a new App in seconds

Using the React Bricks CLI you'll be able to create a new React Bricks app answering a few simple questions.

$ npx create-reactbricks-app

Host anywhere

Host the website and Admin dashboard where you like

You can host your website on Vercel, Netlify or any static web host or CDN.

We take care of your content on our API servers.

Blazing fast static site

Next.js or Gatsby, we love both!

React Bricks works with the latest Next.js and Gatsby (from v3 alpha). Your editors will be able to trigger a rebuild with the click of a button.

Image optimization

Boost SEO and perceived performance

React Bricks will serve to your users optimized responsive images, lazy loaded as they enter the viewport.

Images have a SEO-friendly name you can set and are served from a fast worldwide CDN.

Scheduled publishing

Schedule content ahead!

Schedule each page publish date and time. If you choose it, React Bricks will also call your build web hook to update the content of your static site!

Content history

Ship happens... Go back in time!

For each page, you'll be able to go back to the state before each action. Depending on your plan, you have different data retention policies.


Translate your pages' content!

Add languages via Admin interface at any moment and translate your pages with a button click.


Reuse content blocks configurations

For each block, you can save your stories, configurations of content and properties to be reused later.
Create once, use many times!

React Bricks UI

A collection of beautiful bricks, Free and open source!

We created a set of beautiful content blocks with Tailwind CSS, fully typed with TypeScript, responsive and dark-mode ready!

See it on GitHub
React Bricks UI