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Create your Design System with React components: it's just React
Your users will love the Visual editing UX
Be up and running in minutes with the CLI
Image optimized and served from CDN
Host the website wherever you like
  • I've wanted to see something like this for a long time; will check it out.
    Laurie Voss
    Laurie Voss
    Data analyst at Netlify, co-founder at npm
  • I think stuff like this is the future!
    Kyle Mathews
    Kyle Mathews
    Founder at Gatsby.js
  • ReactBricks is the first visual website builder to make me reconsider markdown.
    Swizec Teller
    Swizec Teller
    React Developer, Teacher and Writer
  • React Bricks lets us create WYSISYG components that our marketing team can build with, allowing them to create an easy to manage and beautiful website.
    Stefan Nagey
    Stefan Nagey
    Founder at Capbase, Inc.

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