Set up with the CLI

The best way to create a new app is using React Bricks CLI:

$ npx create-reactbricks-app

Launch the command. After authenticating, you'll be able to choose an existing app or create a new app.

For the tutorial, let's choose:

  • A new app with name reactbricks-tutorial.
  • Framework: Next.js
  • Starter project: Website with Tailwind and React Bricks UI
  • Load default content: Yes
Docs reference
» The CLI

While the CLI does its work, cloning the template's repo for us, configuring it and installing all the dependencies, let's see the other ways to create a new app...

Other ways to start a new app

You may also create a new app from the React Bricks Dashboard.

Then you should clone the repository of a Starter Project and then configure the credentials in a `.env.local` file.

Docs reference
» Starter Projects

Since the CLI does it all for us, it should be the preferred solution.

Time to get points

What's the best way to create a new app?